Gallery B612 - 'Urban Life' Art Exhibition

Call Type: Exhibition

Call Eligibility: International

Entry Dates: Now - September 3rd, 2023*** EXTENDED DATE

Entry Fee: $25 (3 pieces maximum), $5 each additional (maximum 10 pieces total)

Location: 1915 1st Ave S, Seattle Washington, 98134

Gallery B612 is located in the heart of SODO. Just two blocks south from the T-Mobile Stadium and Lumen Field, and two blocks north of Starbucks Headquarters.


Gallery:  Initially founded in mid 2020 under Prince and Fox, LLC, Gallery B612 aspires to be a gathering place for artists, dancers, fashion designers and creatives from all walks of life.  To this date, the gallery has featured a Solo Exhibition from founder and curator, MiYoung Margolis and served as a gathering place and rehearsal space for MMDC and Dare to Dance. 

Gallery B612 is a literary reference to Asteroid B612 in Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's book The Little Prince. Gallery B612 is our "art planet," our gallery and studio, in the Seattle SODO neighborhood.

We believe it's important to provide space for artists to share their voice in a physical representation where others can view and discuss the pieces as well as mingle with each other. In our modern American world, there are less and less public spaces for people to spend their free time. Here, we will hope to provide safety and connection for the Seattle community.

During the pandemic, we were able to showcase solo works, but now we would like to branch out to more local and national art. We recently had 'Grand Re-Opening Artist Reception' and had a great turn out of over 150 guests coming to see 50+ artworks and 5 live performers. Featured artists are invited and encouraged to personally attend receptions and invite friends.

Exhibition:  Urban life in cities

Eligibility: Age 18+ Students and professionals alike may participate

Juror: Selected pieces are juried by the curators at Gallery B612.

Media: Original 2D and 3D artworks. Glass, Fiber, Jewelry, Functional, Digital, Painting, Printmaking, Sculpture, Photography, Installation and Mixed media


July 26th, 2023: Application process opens

August 27th, 2023: Application process closes at midnight. Deadline Extended: SEPTEMBER 3RD

August 28th - 30th, 2023: Selection process will take place by Gallery B612 curators.

August 30th, 2023: Notification of accepted work

September 5th - September 8th,* 2023: Accepted work(s) needs to be dropped off or delivered to 1915 1st Ave S, Seattle Washington 98134. Artist responsible for shipping and return label costs.

September 14th, 2023: Exhibition Opened - Artists Reception

October 26th, 2023: Exhibition Closes

September, 26th - 28th, 2023:  Local Artists Pick-up Art works and artwork will be shipped out to the national artists. Artist is responsible for shipping and return label costs.

Application Requirements:

1.  Title

2.  Medium and Dimension (H x W x D)

3.  Price (No NFS)

4.  Date of Creation

5.  Detailed Statement of each art piece (1 short paragraph max)

6.  Artist Statement (1-2 short paragraphs)

7.  Artist Bio (1-2 short paragraphs)

8.  Artist’s Website, Social media (if applicable)

Submission Details: For general submission($25), a maximum of ten total works per artist may be submitted for consideration. Any additional works after the first $25 piece will be $5 per piece.

Shipping and Delivery: Accepted work may be hand delivered or shipped prepaid to arrive no later than Thursday, September 7th, 2023. Artists are also responsible for delivery and return shipping costs.

Gallery Requirements: All work must be original, unsold work, and the artist must own the sole copyright to art.

Frames, mats and wiring must be professional quality and in good condition. No saw-tooth hangers. Wiring must be securely fashioned and support the weight of the artwork. 2D artwork selected for exhibition MUST BE READY TO HANG.

Please indicate a sale price as it is required for display in the gallery. No NSF works will be considered for the show.

Consignment will be required for selected pieces in order to be exhibited in the show.

Commission: Gallery retains a 50% commission on all exhibition sales in gallery and online.

Questions? Contact